Questions about your Project, Binder, or Board of Review?
Contact Mr. Schwartz @ email

1. Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook
Current workbook version: No. 2021c
Units and Scouts should no longer use the 2020 workbook
Familiarize yourself with the Service Project Workbook (from BSA website) including:
- How to Use This Workbook
- Meeting Eagle Scout Requirement 5
- Navigating the Eagle Scout Service Project
- Do not copy or change the format of the Project Workbook

2. Before Project Approval: Eagle Project Description
For all levels of Project approval, use this outline to describe your Beneficiary and project, on a separate page, and include this with the Proposal section of your Eagle Service Project Workbook.
In preparation for the District approval meeting, make sure you have read the entire Service Project Workbook and:
- have completed the contacts page and your project proposal (typed)
- Your proposal should have signatures from you, your Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, and your Beneficiary , on the last page
- Provide pictures, maps, drawings, etc., to help others understand and visualize your project.

3. Eagle Binder Format
Assemble your Eagle Binder using this format/instructions.
From Scoutbook, print and include with your binder:
- your Individual Advancement Record (all date fields in the Eagle Rank should be filled in, except Board of Review)
- your Eagle Application
- To print, go to your record in Scoutbook, choose Reports
4. Submit your Binder for your Eagle Board of Review:

How to include Scouting experience on a job or college application
credit: Bryan On Scouting 10-14-2020